
digital confined space management

Meet wilma™

Increase confined space entrant safety by utilizing wilma™, powered by weavix™, as an extension of your existing confined space entry procedures.

wilma™ is the weather-proof, non-invasive, flexible, innovative, compact & user-friendly monitoring assistant designed to assist trained safety professionals, operators & technicians. wilma™ ensures the safety of your workers by delivering digital connectivity inside the space and providing management full transparency of the who, what, where & when of a job. Live video or playback feed is viewable from any device at any time.

Unlike other confined space monitoring technology on the market, wilma™ can be set up by a single technician in a matter of minutes for a fraction of the cost without the need for elaborate and expensive control centers.

wilma and cameras


Continuous & remote monitoring of atmospheric
& biometric readings for critical confined spaces
& individuals.


View live video of the manway & workers inside the confined space in real-time.


Provides WiFi to workers inside a confined space to stay connected.


Provides management with access to KPIs & dashboards of atmospheric conditions inside confined spaces.